Master Municipal Clerk (MMC)

Start and End Dates: -
Schedule Date(s): June 18-20, 2024
Time: 8:00 am-5:00 p.m. (TU-W); 8:00 am-3:00 pm (TH)
Registration Information: Register
Registration Fee: $300 AZ Residents; $325 Non-AZ Residents
Location: Arizona Center, 400 E Van Buren St, 7th Floor, Room 730, Phoenix 85004

Registration Closes:  May 31, 2024

Program Schedule:  2024 Academy (MMC) Program Schedule

The Master Municipal Clerk (MMC) is the second of the two professional designations offered by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC). To qualify for entrance into the MMC program, an applicant must have already earned the Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) designation and must be a current member of the IIMC. The MMC program prepares the participants to perform more complex municipal duties. The educational requirements for the MMC are more complex and at a much higher level than those of the CMC program. The subject matters might be similar to those of the CMC courses; however, the breadth and depth of the MMC courses are more academically advanced. For additional information about certification, please visit

The Arizona Municipal Clerks’ Academy is accredited by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) and counts as 12 points toward the 60 advanced education points required for Master Municipal Clerk (MMC) candidates. Each year the Arizona Academy provides 24 hours of instruction in the areas of public administration, interpersonal and organizational dynamics, and current issues and strategies. You may participate in multiple academies to accumulate points toward the advanced education requirement.

Hotel Accommodations:

Please contact hotels in the area and request government discount rate.  Search by using link below and narrow by entering in search field: hotels near 400 East Van Buren Street, Phoenix, AZ.,-112.0700151,16z/data=!4m6!2m5!5m3!5m2!1s2022-06-06!2i4!6e3


Arizona Clerks may be eligible for scholarships, in the form of tuition reduction, from the Arizona Municipal Clerks’ Association. Information regarding scholarships will be available in March. For additional details please view available scholarships on the Arizona Municipal Clerks' Associate site:  http://AMCA Scholarship Information.

Scholarships are also available through the Municipal Clerk Education Foundation (MCEF). Please contact International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) headquarters at 909-944-4162.

For more information please contact:

Linda Hess

(602) 496-1305


Resources available if you have questions on achieving your certification designation:

IIMC:  MMC Program