Management and Leadership Institute

The Management and Leadership Institute offers a variety of seminars that will enable you to tailor your professional development plan to your unique goals and objectives. Each seminar is designed to enhance your effectiveness as a leader within your organization.

Facilitators will guide the group through a discussion of each topic within the context of the various organizations that are represented by seminar participants, thereby enabling you to broaden your perspective on each topic. Although the seminar topics will be explored through the lens of the public sector, the concepts discussed are applicable to other sectors as well.

In an effort to make Management and Leadership seminars available to more public managers throughout the state, we offer half-day seminars from 12:30-4:30 p.m., thus allowing attendees to travel from longer distances.

To earn the Bob Ramsey Executive Education Management and Leadership Institute Certificate, you will need to complete 10 half-day seminars, amounting to 40 hours.


Please contact:
Linda Hess
(602) 496-1305