Critical Thinking Workshop:
How Can We Improve the U.S. Criminal Justice System?

From the Black Lives Matter protests to the “Defund the Police” rhetoric to the “Law and Order” narrative, how are Americans objectively assessing these complex issues?

We will examine this past summer’s civil unrest through the lenses of cognitive biases, logical fallacies, and systems archetypes. In Part 1, we will focus on defining the issues. In Part 2, we will focus on a systems approach to addressing the issues. Be prepared to discuss.

To maximize the value of the workshop, please plan on approximately 2 hours of homework between Parts 1 and 2.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize cognitive biases and logical fallacies that can blur the diagnosis of core issues
  • Reinforce the importance of framing issues from a systems perspective
  • Understand how circles of causality can impact outcomes and consequences
  • Develop more holistic and effective recommendations for resolving issues

Part 1
Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Time: 1-3 pm, via Zoom

Part 2
Date: Thursday, September 3, 2020
Time: 1-3 pm, via Zoom